Proving a Concept - blog post - Connecting digital and venue attendees
See photo below Case Study Extract... "At last year's High Growth Summit a digital attendee met with a venue attendee at the video networking desk accompanied by Summit speaker Floyd Woodrow where a future meeting was planned and a great conversation took place. Even with the limited technical provision at this proof of concept delivery, it manifested this unplanned but engaged dialogue demonstrating how the Extend The Audience wrapper can bridge the digital divide." - read the full blog post Case Study - Providing accessThe High Growth Summit conceived and hosted by Stuart Ross promised to be an unforgettable experience, providing attending business leaders with cutting edge strategies that would support them in their high growth ambitions. The strategies and ideas shared were ‘game changers’, delivered by experts and proven business practitioners from across the UK. Inspirational speakers, top advisors and a business networking exhibition was the offering designed to take companies to the next level.
Part of the offering was this Extend The Audience experience. Reaching further than the confines of being at the venue with engagement opportunities for remote attendees. Extend The AudienceJust like any multi-tracked event the High Growth Summit activity took place in different rooms, the main conference hall and the exhibition hall at MediCity. The digital summit experience did not have physical venues to walk between but preconfigured digital spaces. Attendees clicked relevant location links in the High Growth Digital Summit Timetable to navigate and follow the online activity.
Participating in the ETA experience meant
Keynote Speakers - Audio |
Highlights video by Skeleton Productions
#HGS16 - selected Apps, Platforms, Tools & Services