Thank You for your interest in the Online Branch - the moderator will be in touch.
Its an exciting time for the Online Branch. The Equity Branch network is becoming stronger thanks to social media but as professionals who are exposed to the full force of the media spotlight at times we all need a place to take solace. A place occupied solely by your peers, no press, no fans.
Joining the committee at this stage you will take part in a pivotal part of the branch's foundation. We are already operating with democratic parity with the physical branches, having a formal structure under which to propose and motion change in the union. Referring successfully voted motion directly to the General Secretary for consideration and action by the Council or Industrial Committees.
The Committee Meeting.The meetings of the Committee are a vital part of the branch with this foundling branch as it finds the members who haven't aligned to a physical branch and are either wandering in a digital darkness or have been seduced by the bright-lights of Facebook frequenting physical branch's Facebook pages and groups but existing as a branch ghost.
The 6 months to May 2019 will be about providing a real alternative to being a branch ghost. This will include continuing to work with the newly formed branch network working party.